Welcome to the Luppitt Neighbourhood Plan website. This website contains all the relevant information to enable the Luppitt Parish Neighbourhood Plan to be properly understood. The latest Chairman’s Report provides the current status on the plan which has now become a reality!
It was formally “made” (adopted) at an EDDC cabinet meeting on the 4th January 2023. This means it now forms part of the Statutory Development Plan for East Devon and its planning policies carry full weight in the planning decision making process. All associated documents can be found under the Documents menu of this web site as well as the EDDC web site.
Within the plan you will find the 13 new planning policies specifically developed for the parish and 17 proposed Community Actions designed to improve parish life and provides a host of information not available anywhere else in a single document.
The Plan has legal status and as we have already seen in recent planning applications, architects, planning consultants and applicants must take its policies into account when submitting planning applications in the future. This will all help to protect the character of Luppitt parish, its landscape and views, and the natural environment for generations to come.