Chairman’s Progress Report – October 2022

The Final Stages

Dear Luppitt Resident,

I am delighted to inform you that the Luppitt Neighbourhood Plan has now been through all the necessary formalities and was unanimously approved by a cabinet meeting of EDDC on Wednesday 5 October to go forward to parish referendum.  The referendum will be organised by EDDC who will write to all residents shortly and explain the simple voting procedure.  The referendum date has now been set as:

Thursday, 24 November 2022

The Plan is the result of many hours of consultation with residents and its detailed content reflects the results of the parish-wide questionnaire circulated in 2018 and many hours in steering group and sub-group meetings and subsequent consultations.  It contains three key elements:

  1. Planning Policies –  these are specifically for Luppitt parish and have the same legal status as policies in the Local Plan.
  2. Community Actions – are aspirations designed to benefit the community to be implemented by the parish council and residents together.
  3. Essential Information – useful and interesting information about the parish which is not available anywhere else in a single document.

For anyone wishing to refresh their knowledge of the Plan, full details are available at In addition a leaflet will be distributed to every household ahead of the referendum and also members of the steering group committee will be available to answer questions on:

Wednesday, 9 November 2022 – 7 pm to 9 pm

Saturday, 19 November 2022 – 10 am to 12 noon

If you are unable to attend either of these sessions, please use the following contact details:

Roger Hicks               01404 891579

Chris Ryder                 07900 260975

Michele Turner            07525 796197

Rosalind Buxton         01404 861565

The Luppitt Neighbourhood Plan belongs to the community of Luppitt parish. Please use your vote on Thursday, 24 November 2022.