Draft Luppitt Neighbourhood Plan Issued
The draft Luppitt Neighbourhood Plan was signed off by the Parish Council in February 2021 and we entered the final phase of publicity, awareness and consultation leading to the parish referendum. A Summary and Explanation Booklet was distributed by post which provided an overview of the content of the plan. Residents were asked to review this and the whole document which was added to the website for this final consultation period. A flyer was also sent out with the Summary and Explanation Booklet and can be seen here.
The full document is quite lengthy so it has been broken down into its separate sections to make it easier to review:
- Introduction and General Overview: Listen to what is covered first and see the Section here
- Balanced Community: Listen to what is covered and see the Section here
- Natural Environment: Listen to what is covered and see the Section here
- Built and Historic Environment: Listen to what is covered and see the Section here
- New Development and Change of Land Use: Listen to what is covered and see the Section here
- Climate Change: Listen to what is covered and see the Section here
- Policies, Community Actions and Appendices: Listen to what is covered and see the Section here
In addition, from mid-April through to the end of May, everyone who lives in the Parish had the opportunity to provide input on the content of the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. In normal times, we would have invited everyone to come and talk to us in the Village Hall – but with Covid restrictions, that was not possible. We therefore invited all parishioners to join us online for one of three open Zoom discussion meetings held on the following dates:
- Tuesday 20th April at 8pm
- Thursday 29th April at 2.30pm
- Saturday 15th May at 10am
Each meeting comprised a panel of Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group members who listened to and responded to questions and comments raised. Requests to join the meetings were registered with the Parish Clerk, Rosalind Buxton. Full details of how to register was contained in an information leaflet which was delivered to all households in Luppitt during the first week of April along with a 20 page ‘Summary and Explanation’ booklet containing the proposed planning policies and other key information.