Luppitt Neighbourhood Plan (LNP)
Final Pre-Referendum Amendments as at October 2021 leading to Submission Draft
Penultimate Draft
In February 2020, the revised draft LNP with all amendments completed to date was re-submitted to the Parish Council for review and comment. At the same time, an editorial group was established to thoroughly check the text and ensure that policies were written in ‘plain English’ and could be understood by all. Copies were also submitted to the sub-group leads to ensure that all amendments had been made as requested. A copy of the draft was also sent to EDDC and the AONB for further informal comment. All responses were received by August 2020 and the final revised document with all further amendments made was returned to the Parish Council in early September 2020 for approval. Following further minor amendments, the document was finally signed off by the Parish Council in February 2021.
Submission Draft
The amended draft was then circulated to statutory consultees including EDDC and the AONB and at the same time a printed ‘Summary and Explanation’ booklet was distributed to every household in the parish. As a result, a number of further amendments were proposed and these have been incorporated into the final ‘Submission Draft’ dated October 2021. In the run-up to finalising the Submission Draft, the Parish Council undertook a process of ‘policy challenge’ to ensure that the proposed planning policies would work in practice. All amendments have been recorded, and the latest i.e. those incorporated into the Submission Draft, are summarised below:
- Parish Council amendments resulting from 31 proposals considered at a PC meeting on 30th June 2021
- EDDC comments including 70 suggestions to improve the flow and understanding of the document
- Other statutory consultee suggestions have been incorporated
- As the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was updated in 2021, all references to it have been checked and amended as necessary
- At the request of Devon County Council a new ‘Accessibility Map’ has been added as Appendix 16
- At the suggestion of EDDC the ‘Luppitt Landscape Character Assessment’ has been incorporated into the document as Appendix 17
- Footnotes have been rationalised and reduced in number
- Pagination references have been amended as necessary
- New photographs have been added and captions added to all
Final Pre-Referendum Stage
Two supporting documents are now being prepared – ‘The Basic Conditions Statement’ and ‘The Consultation Statement’. Once completed, all three documents will be submitted to EDDC to undertake the parish referendum. 21st October 2021